Friday, May 22, 2020

History Paper Topics From 1787 to 1837 by Eric A. Larson

History Paper Topics From 1787 to 1837 by Eric A. LarsonHistory Paper Topics from 1787 to 1837 is a book of classes about American History. The author, Eric A. Larson, had a vision to write a book that would help students see America through a different perspective. After reviewing many books on American History, he noticed that there were very few books that focused on the many political movements in the United States. He wanted to provide students with different angles to understand our history, as well as challenges and solutions to our present.Dr. Larson began his research with a simple question: what drew people to the American culture? It was obvious that history wasn't the only answer; but what kept us going back to study was history. The book includes discussions on the influence of American Women in history, issues in the Civil War, the Second Reconstruction, and the earliest American immigrant to what would become New England.The book takes you all over the country, showing you that New England wasn't always considered an area of nothingness. As you will learn, the historical and cultural heritage of New England is rich, it's true. You will also learn about Irish immigrants, African Americans in Boston, and immigrant movements between New England and the South.Dr. Larson had the opportunity to research with some of the early New England American immigrants to their new home. As a result, he wanted to tell their story in the context of the times. Throughout this book, he tells the stories of four young women who had a unique experience in life.Mary Watonville and her husband Caleb both worked as teachers for the Old Colonist newspaper. Mary was a woman and became interested in politics and public policy. Caleb became a founding member of the Sons of Liberty. These women were very active in the political system of the time, but many historical records are being lost, because of how long they were in power.Agnes Moorhead ran away to Canada to escape her husband. When she returned, she discovered that he had married another woman. She worked as a teacher in New Haven and became involved in politics, with the Puritan Party.Sarah Merriam became involved in politics after she met John Adams at a breakfast meeting. She ran for Congress and did very well. They were both candidates for the New York Senate seat. They both made their way back to Massachusetts to run for President.In many ways, this book is a great historical discovery. It also touches on a wide range of topics from our early settlers, to early women. In fact, I highly recommend this book to everyone in history class.

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