Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Strategic Alternatives Matrix Swot Analysis - 898 Words

The TOWS strategic alternatives matrix utilizes those factors identified in the SWOT analysis in order to analyze the organization from a different perspective. There are four types of strategies associated with the TOWS analysis: ââ€"  The SO (Maxi-Maxi) Strategy: strategy that uses internal strengths to take advantage of external opportunities. ââ€"  The WO (Mini-Maxi) Strategy: strategy that uses external opportunities to minimize weaknesses. ââ€"  The ST (Maxi-Mini) Strategy: strategy that uses strengths to reduce the impact of external threats. ââ€"  The WT (Mini-Mini) Strategy: defensive strategy that aims to prevent the organization’s weaknesses from making it susceptible to external threats (Al-Mayahi Mansoor, 2012). SO Strategy The SO strategy for UPS entails utilizing UPS’s strengths such as their expansive global presence and network, financial strength, broad portfolio of services, and technological solutions to capitalize on increasing demand for their services from global growth, emerging markets, and growth rates in e-commerce. There are many opportunities on the horizon for UPS and their strengths will equip them to take full advantage of these upcoming opportunities. UPS has been successful in strategically positioning themselves around the world in key markets in order to capitalize on growth rates. This was possible due to UPS’s impressive financial situation. Their strong financial position will also allow them to quickly invest in operations in order to meetShow MoreRelatedStrategy Formulation, Situation Analysis and Business Analysis1590 Words   |  7 PagesFormulation: Situation Analysis and Business Strategy Institut fà ¼r Strategisches Management Institut fà ¼r Strategisches Management Situational Analysis Strategy Formulation - developing a corporation’s mission, objectives, strategies and policies Situation Analysis - the process of finding a strategic fit between external opportunities and internal strengths while working around external and internal weaknesses Wheelen / Hunger, 2010, p 224 SWOT Analysis SWOT- Strengths-WeaknessesOpportunities-ThreatsRead MoreEssay about rothaermel exercise 1720 Words   |  3 Pagesbeginning of Module/Week 3) in the case section of the text (e.g. Case Number 1). A formal, in-depth case study analysis requires you to utilize the entire strategic management process. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Frankenstein and the Effects of Isolation Essay - 1145 Words

Isolation is the separation from others and/or society whether it be physically or emotionally. In the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, I believe that a central theme is that the isolation from family and society, especially at a time when one is faced with difficulty, can have a negative effect on a person. The main characters in the story, Victor Frankenstein and the monster, both experience the same suffering of being alone in different ways. The negative consequences are the death of their loved one and eventually the end of their own. Frankenstein chooses to be isolated from society and his family on his own. He travels away from home for his desire to obtain more knowledge about natural philosophy. He fancied about creating†¦show more content†¦It’s because the monster is filled up with overwhelming hate and anger because there is no one out there like him. The more he killed Victors loved ones, the more attention the creature received from Victor. Event ually he had killed everyone close to Victor and had gained Victors full attention, when Victor vowed to do everything within his power to seize the monster† (190). Now both Victor and the creature had no one to love, only one person to seek revenge from. Isolation eventually leads to death is another recurring theme within the story. The monster kills everyone around close to Frankenstein because he wants him to know what it feels like to be alone. He started with his younger brother William which also resulted in the death of Justine who was blamed for the tragic incident. Even though Frankenstein knew it was his fault his brother died, he couldn’t speak the truth in fear of what might happen to him. Next was Clerval, his best friend from childhood. Finally it was his beloved wife, Elizabeth. Isolation has a negative effect on Frankenstein by making him fall ill. â€Å"But I was in reality very ill; and surely nothing but the unbounded and unremitting attentio ns of my friend could have restored me to life. The form of the monster on whom I had bestowed existence was forever before my eyes. By very slow degrees, and with frequent relapses that alarmed and grieved my friend, I recovered† (55). With Clerval by his side, Frankenstein recoveredShow MoreRelated Isolation in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essays1399 Words   |  6 PagesIsolation in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Mary Shelleys novel, Frankenstein, has several themes imbedded in the text. One major theme is of isolation. Many of the characters experience some time of isolation. The decisions and actions of some of these characters are the root cause of their isolation. They make choices that isolate themselves from everyone else. However, other characters are forced into isolation for reasons that are not in their control. The actions of another cause themRead MoreMary Shelley and Flannery OConnor: Gothic Isolationists1724 Words   |  7 Pagesits success during this time period, gothic fiction ceased to be a dominant genre by the Victorian Era. However, in many ways it had now begun to enter into its most ingenious phase. This paper will analyze the influence of Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein on Flannery O’Connor’s work, specifically her novel Wise Blood. Flannery O’Connor emerged as a crucial and contemporary innovator of southern gothic literature. Southern gothic literature is defined as a subgenre of gothic fiction, which originatedRead MoreFrankenstein And The Psychologic And Moralistic Effects Of Community1521 Words   |  7 PagesFrankenstein and the Psychologic and Moralistic Effects of Community Dense, ominous storm cloud fill the night sky over the stone walls of a castle. Within the keep, a mad scientist goes to work with his instruments of horror. 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Significance: The passive women in Frankenstein are used as the victims of fighting between males, but also serve as goals for the males too; Frankenstein wants to marry Elizabeth (he talks of her as though she is little more than an object) and the monster wants a mate to not be lonely. The women in the story never take action, Justine accepted her fate in court and Elizabeth waited patiently for Frankenstein back at home; in short, the females are plot-progressors. TheRead MoreIsolation in Frankenstein1174 Words   |  5 PagesBrit. Lit. 4-26-13 Isolation is something that everybody experiences at some point in his or her life. There are many different types of alienation and there are many different things that can cause someone to be solitary or lonely. Some people choose to be alone simply because they like to reflect on thoughts and their lives, while some people end up alone even if they don’t want to be. 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For the characters in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, isolation does both in varying degrees.Through Victor’s self-destructive path for knowledge and revenge, the creature’s descent from curiosity and benevolence to misery and revenge, and Walton’s journey to the Arctic, Mary Shelley explores the theme of isolation in that whether it is intentional or not, isolation only leads to negative consequences. Read MoreAnalysis Of Frankenstein Dark Elements 1117 Words   |  5 Pagesgothic, many of these elements are found in Frankenstein. Three of the main elements that categorize gothic literature are extreme landscapes, supernatural manifestations, and intense emotions; these three elements can also be found in Frankenstein. One common element of gothic literature includes extreme landscapes. Gothic literature uses this key element to explore and emphasize the isolation these characters desire or face. Through the emphasis on isolation, books take on an mysterious tone or mood

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Teachers needs self-confidence to plan and implement Free Essays

Introduction The words of the General Teaching Council ( GTC ) statement that â€Å" instructors inspire and lead immature people, assisting them achieve their possible as fulfilled persons and productive members of society † highlight the importance of instructors in today ‘s society and stress that instruction is a demanding profession. This mission statement is reinforced by the Professional Standards for Teachers which outline â€Å" properties, cognition, understanding and accomplishments required of instructors at each calling phase † . Both apprehension of theory and practical experience are required to heighten a instructors ‘ development. We will write a custom essay sample on Teachers needs self-confidence to plan and implement or any similar topic only for you Order Now Different theories and doctrines have been used to explicate the patterned advance to going a ‘good instructor ‘ and I aim to analyze the mode in which these theories have contributed towards my ain professional development whilst critically analyzing different doctrines. Professionalism In my position, a professional instructor requires both self-confidence and humbleness. A instructor needs assurance to program and implement undertakings whilst being undeterred by troubles and humbleness to avoid assurance going haughtiness. The comprehension of professionalism is supported by Hoyle ( 1995 ) , that professionalism can be understood by cognition, liberty, and duty. A profession should establish its pattern on specializer cognition which is beyond the range of laic people. This cognition should be both theoretical in the signifier of scrutinies and practical in the signifier of experience. Autonomy follows the rule that every category is different as is every kid and the instructor should utilize their better opinion to move in the best involvements of their students. Duty is the reciprocal of liberty. The freedom of liberty must be expressed responsibly. A more in-depth analysis has been researched sing the key attributes which are associated with professionalism by Hoyle. Hoyle ( 1980 ) distinguished between restricted professionals and drawn-out professionals. Restricted professionals have their focal point in the schoolroom with the precedences being learning methods, their ain didactic behavior, and capable affair. The drawn-out professionals nevertheless are concerned with professional coaction and turn up their schoolroom instruction in a broader educational context. They besides aim at working as members of a school squad. REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER Other than merely using professionalism in the transporting out of responsibilities, a instructor should be one who at regular intervals, looks back at the work they have done, and the work procedure, and considers how it can be improved by reflecting on the work that has been done and the jobs encountered in the class of making it. The construct of brooding pattern can be described as a critical procedure in heightening one ‘s field or subject harmonizing to Donald Schon ( 1996 ) . Brooding pattern is a manner for novices to recognize the nexus between â€Å" their ain single pattern and those of successful practicians † . Using this construct it allows for thoughtful consideration into 1 ‘s ain experiences and using cognition to pattern whilst being guided by professionals. Hopkins and Antes ( 1990 ) show a similar position that brooding pattern can be classified in footings of action research. Action research, in bend, is defined as a tool of course of study development dwelling of uninterrupted feedback that targets specific jobs in a peculiar school puting. As such, it has become a standard construct in teacher instruction plans. The instructor pedagogue as research worker and function theoretical account encourages pupils to set theories they have learnt into pattern in their schoolrooms. A parallel attack indicates that portfolio development has become a favorite tool used in pre-service instructor instruction ( Antonek, et Al, 1997 ; Hurst et Al, 1998 ) . Portfolios encourage inexperienced instructors to garner important stuffs culled in the class of their professional development to document their competences. Portfolios include a brooding constituent, for when the instructor decides which stuffs to include, they have ascertained which learning patterns worked good and why ( Hurst et a, 1998 ) . The portfolios can and should be modified at points throughout a instructor ‘s calling, as the instructor continues to use larning to practical instruction, a process which is the trademark of a brooding practician. The above theories are similar in that they focus on either pre-service or novices in a subject and lineation that contemplation is used to derive cognition and to get the better of failings. These attacks are summarised by educational theoretician and psychologist Jerome Bruner ( 1987 ) when he stated that â€Å" ego is a perpetually rewritten narrative † . PRE-BLOCK Experience In the broadest sense, a instructor can be defined as person who non merely teaches or imparts cognition, but is besides and possibly most significantly, person responsible for determining the heads and attitudes of all those whom they teach. A A instructor has the power to exert a strong influence over theirA students. When coupled with certain definite accomplishments, a good instructor has the potency to hold a womb-to-tomb impact on the pupils. An effectual instructor of mathematics continues to look into new mathematical cognition and effectual instruction schemes. An effectual mathematics instructor wants to eliminate the fright and anxiousness that mathematics represents to many pupils. As stated in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ( NCTM ) Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for school mathematics ( NCTM, 1989 ) , an effectual mathematics instructor will be able to actuate all pupils to larn mathematics. My doctrine about what constitutes an effectual mathematics instructor may outdo be illustrated by an illustration which came to my attending detecting a freshly qualified mathematics instructor. The mathematics instructor was portraying fractions in a manner easy comprehendible by the bulk of the category with assorted appraisal techniques used to guarantee the students understood. However, one student failed to hold on the subject and non unnaturally struggled to reply the inquiries. As the instructor ‘s attending was occupied by the remainder of the category, this one student was unable to continue with the inquiries. At the terminal of the lesson as the instructor had non watched over the category for any students that struggled, the student left the category still uncomprehending and uninterested in the subject. The instructor was unable to assist the kid as he had omitted to watch for students in trouble and this runs counter to the doctrine that every kid is of import. I n this peculiar case the instructor lacked the experience to detect the troubles that the student was confronting. My class experiences have allowed me to associate to the constructs of contemplation, in peculiar the dimensions of brooding pattern ( Zwozdiak-Myers, 2006? ) . The dimensions of brooding pattern relate to the thoughts in which instructor ‘s reflect, better and test new thoughts. This so allows for instructor ‘s to be able to see the types of techniques which were successful and unsuccessful in the schoolroom. The nine dimensions each have a cardinal facet in which to near contemplation and this proves to be a cardinal theory in building my doctrine about the function of a instructor. John Dewey ( 1933 ) observed that brooding thought is called for when people recognize that some jobs can non be solved with certainty. Pulling from this observation, King and Kitchener ( 1994 ) chose the term â€Å" brooding judgement † to depict the sort of epistemological knowledge that includes the acknowledgment that existent uncertainness exists about some issues. These theories have re-constructed my doctrine in the fact that the profession of instruction is non ‘black and white ‘ . There are jobs where there is no perfect solution ; nevertheless it is up to the opinion of the instructor to react in the involvement of the pupils. Lawrence Stenhouse ( 1975 ) explores the construct of a instructor as a research worker, which takes a different attack from the old theories. It encourages instructors to set theories they have learnt into pattern in their schoolroom. This has re-constructed my beliefs of what constitutes a instructor of mathematics as research is an imperative factor in instruction. Decision Research on effectual instruction over the past two decennaries has shown that effectual pattern is linked to inquiry, contemplation, and uninterrupted professional growing ( Harris 1998 ) . Brooding pattern can be a good signifier of professional development at both the pre-service and in-service degrees of learning. By deriving a better apprehension of their ain single instruction manners through brooding pattern, instructors can better their effectivity in the schoolroom. The instructor ‘s function has now changed from the traditional image of a didactic lector ordering an indigestible measure of facts to a schoolroom of students who solemnly inscribe the words and later larn them by bosom to regurgitate them in the signifier of an essay in response to a inquiry on a termly or annual scrutiny paper. These alterations are due to a new position being taken on course of study, teaching method and the organisation of learning and larning, every bit good as alterations caused by wide socio-political tendencies in the society ( Hoyle, 1974 ) . The instructor ‘s liberty, control and professionalism ( Hoyle, 1974, Pollard et.al.1994 ) are no longer beyond difference both in the schoolroom and in society as a whole. As a consequence, the instructor ‘s duties are no longer limited to the schoolroom but scope more widely than hitherto. A modern instructor must now get a broad scope of cognition and accomplishments to get by with the new demands of their increasing duties. A instructor must therefore develop professionally so that enhanced cognition and accomplishments from the procedure of development can be put into pattern both in the schoolroom and outside to profit their students which constitutes an drawn-out professional. How to cite Teachers needs self-confidence to plan and implement, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Peter Singer and his solution to end world poverty free essay sample

Although being â€Å"able but unwilling to donate to overseas aid† may been seen as selfish, it is in no way immoral, as Peter Singer would like to suggest. People should not have to bear the responsibility of having to care for every other human. Although people grow up with different opportunities, the one thing that everyone has in common is potential. Whether someone lived in a poor family or a rich family, there is the possibility of having a successful life if effort is put into their schoolwork/jobs. Someone from a poor family might have to work harder than someone from an affluent family because they could have problems finding the money to go to college, but this is why there are scholarships. Someone who works hard, goes to school, gets good grades, and becomes very wealthy shouldn’t have to give up the majority of their money. People work hard for their money and should do what they want with it. We will write a custom essay sample on Peter Singer and his solution to end world poverty or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If money that is normally spent on luxuries went to aid towards impoverished countries, the work ethic of many would people would drastically decline. A popular ideal of life is to make a lot of money. Most people were brought up at an early age, to be conditioned based on reward and punishment. Doctors and scientists both have considerable amounts of â€Å"luxury† money. They went to school for a long time so that they could make a lot of money. That was their incentive. And without incentives, there would be a lack of scientific discoveries, regarding medicine and other useful things. What would be considered a â€Å"luxury† to one person, might be considered a necessity to someone else. Peter Singer believes that â€Å"whatever money [is spent] on luxuries, not necessities, should be given away. † The world, however, is not that black and white. For example, a college student would probably consider a laptop as a necessity because they would access to something portable in which they could write/turn in their essays or conduct their research. A farmer, on the other hand, might consider a laptop to be a luxury because it doesn’t have much to do with his profession/every day lifestyle. People should always have money saved up in case of stressful times. Nobody plans on being diagnosed with cancer, but it happens. In situations like this, treatment options, like radiation, can be very expensive. Treatment might take several weeks as well. People need to save up money in case emergencies. Sending a young adult to college might be seen as a luxury to one person while being a necessity for someone else. The definition of luxury and necessity change depending on a given situation. Although sending money/supplies to overseas nations would help alleviate poverty, it would only do so in regard to short term issues, as opposed to long term ones. In Africa, â€Å"aid-supported scholarships [helped send girls to school,† which was great for a short amount of time. Even though the girls graduated, they still wouldn’t â€Å"be able to find a job in their own countries. † They were educated but couldn’t do anything with their knowledge. In a way, the aid was a waste. Almost every stable/affluent country/nation have an â€Å"accountable government and an efficient civil service. † These things alone â€Å"help meet social needs. Its people need jobs and the belief in their country’s future. † Money alone cannot â€Å"achieve these goals. † What is the exact definition of a luxury? A necessity? It’s different for everyone, but Peter Singer is trying to define these two ambiguous words. Work ethic would diminish and the quality of life would deplete due to lack of scientific advancement. There would also be no long term goals being met. Overall, donating most of your money to aid for impoverished countries would do more harm than good.